52词语>英语词典>angle of dip翻译和用法

angle of dip

英 [ˈæŋɡl ɒv dɪp]

美 [ˈæŋɡl əv dɪp]






  • The traverse method indicates that the true thickness of a layer can be solved with the linear height deviation between the spot height of the upper and lower layers, dip angle of the interlayer and the true dip angle of the layer.
  • The use and improvement of MG132/ 320-W shearer under coal face with high angle of dip
  • Dip angle of fracture influences the AVO characteristic of P-P wave, minor dip angle resulting in gentler AVO phenomenon.
  • The results of the numerical simulation indicate that the dip angle has a great effect on surface subsidence and the center of settlement, the shape of subsidence curve and the amount of subsidence are directly relevant to the dip angle of orebody.
  • Using computer-aided design, the measurements on mass, angle of dip and horizon condition can be carried out in an integrated interface, which improves ship model testing technique.
  • The angle of dip give more affection on space convergence, the steep dip layer are stable fast than the flat dip layer.
  • Contrarily, the smaller angle of dip and the gentler subduction, the longer horizontally stretching distance.
  • The results of experiments by one end shortening indicated that during positive inversion period compressional strain was accomplished mainly by new forward propagated thrust faults with lower angle and most of early normal faults were preserved with increasing in dip angle.
  • One limb dips to the north with a dip angle of 46 degrees and the other limb dips to the south with a dip angle of 48 degrees.
  • Structure form in time domain seismic cross-section often distort, such as high point deviate, attitude of stratum ( direction and angle of dip) deform away from the true.